In "6000 members!"

Of the 6000, how many are active?

In "Thank you choosing HP."

Is that guy on his first, second or third tour of duty in Iraq? How many tours would he have been there for if they hadn't issued those "stop loss" orders? The guy may be a "mental midget", but given the choice of siding w/ either a frustrated user or a giant corporation, I guess I'd like to know why HP wouldn't help him. Also, Zoidberg o_O

In "Battle of Panjawai."

Excellent link. There's American incompetence and Americans saving the day. There's British ridiculousness and British courage. Imagine what could be accomplished when everyone's consistently strong.

In "The Bilderberg Group"

The Patriots?

In "US Air Raid kills Al-Zarqawi"

DefenseTech has a really good roundup.

In "Vikings Are the New Zombie: "

Aliens vs Vikings...

In "Orbox B"

Work backwards. In general there's only one entry vector to the exit, how do you get to the start point of that vector? Repeat. It's remarkably stress free. Ya'll would've known about it sooner if you relied on the blog Jay Is Games... normally it covers indie games only, so I'm surprised to see Tetris DS as the 1st story there atm...

In "Snakes. On a plane."

This will be the greatest game evar made. After this, it's all downhill for Hollywood.

In "Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt!!"

The Asian Experience version goes great w/ Malibu (mango rum).

In "Arabs take over at 6 US Ports"

If American ports are attacked and heavily damaged, who do you think will get the (no-bid) contract to rebuild? That said, I want a port of my own. ;_;

In ""

There is no question that you need a subscription to New Scientist. If you're an American, the non-American viewpoint is illuminating. The enigma puzzle @ the end of each issue gives you something to think about when you're idle. Each issue delivers more depth and breadth of coverage in one week than SciAm does in one week. -_- If you're a programmer, look into Dr. Dobbs Journal...

In "Doom"

The movie was better. That's not saying much, is it?

In "Body Issues, Man-Style"

Wasn't this an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force?

In "The zombie dots have evolved!"

I wanted to make a joke about starting a new thread because this page is too large, but teh archives don't work for me. I get "No input file specified." ^^;; Am I the only one who thinks that letting a zombie get back up almost immediately is rather unfair?

In "Curious George: Computer security."

Maybe you want Security Configuration Guides from the NSA? If not, just keep your computer behind a router and don't download anything that other people send you. If my little sister can grok this, then you can too...

In "War of the Worlds Retrospective" Updates every Friday... 12 pages the 1st week, 9 pages the 2nd, 4 pages this week. Meh. Still, check it out.

In "Business Wins Again."

If America will eventually be completely owned by foreigners, then maybe this isn't completely a bad thing?

Why aren't any Democrats speaking out against this? :(

In "Mundane SF"

* No magic or supernatural elements

Would Arthur C. Clarke take issue w/ this?

In "That funny-smelling green stuff"

Sorry, forgot link to form that doesn't allow you to edit its contents.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)